Seller University

TREX - DM3PL Mode - HOME DEL Order (Services)

Home » TREX - Module 4: Order Fulfilment » TREX - DM3PL Mode - HOME DEL Order (Services)

Order Statuses

Open: A new order that has not been processed yet.

If able to fulfil the order for a service SKU, please contact the customer via email within 3 days of the order placement date to confirm the appointment date with them.Please CC the Logistics & Customer Service  teams (see below) for tracking purposes.
iSC Logistics & Fulfilment team:
iSC Customer Service Team:

If unable to fulfil the order, please proceed to either partially or fully cancel the order as it can only be done at this stage.

Ready to Ship: The order has been processed and is ready to be shipped.

Shipping in Progress: Once the appointment date has been confirmed, please search for the Order ID and click on Shipping in Progress.

Delivered to Customer: Once the service has been redeemed or utilised, please click on Delivered to Customer in TREX.

How to process the order

  1. In the Home Page, you may click into Open Orders. Alternatively, in the sidebar menu, click on Orders ➡️ All Orders
  2. Select an order e.g., NCXXXXXXXXXX/ NSXXXXXXXXXX
    For NCXXXXXXXX/ NSXXXXXXXX orders, please ensure that the order is delivered before the Delivery Date/ Time.
  3. Identify the item(s) purchased. If able to fulfil the order, please contact the customer via email within 3 days of the order placement date to confirm the appointment date with them. Please CC the Logistics & Customer Service teams (below) for tracking purposes.
    iSC Logistics & Fulfilment team:
    iSC Customer Service Team:
    To process the order, click on Ready to Ship. A pop-up window will appear.
    ⚠️ If unable to fulfil the order, please see these tutorials on how to proceed with a full or partial refund.
    If able to fulfil the order, select Yes.
    Order status has changed to Ready to Ship.
  4. Since no courier is used to fulfil this order, for the Courier ➡️ select Others.
  5. For the Tracking No./ Invoice No., input or NA
  6. Once the appointment date has been confirmed, please click on Shipping in Progress
  7. Once the service has been redeemed or utilised, please click on Confirm Delivery. This will close the order and the status will be changed to Delivered to Customer.

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