Tiered Discounts
- Login to SAP backoffice. Under Marketing ➡️ select Promotion Rules ➡️ click on SEARCH ➡️ +
- Code: Ensure code does not having spacing e.g., Nov22Tier1xoff
- Include the Promotion Name e.g., Enjoy $5 off with a min. spend of $100! ➡️ Click on the Globe icon to provide the Mandarin translation (ZH). If unavailable, copy over the Promotion Name (EN).
- Shop: Type in your Store Name and select.💡 Double click on the Green Banner at the top of the screen after clicking DONE.
- Click on the Rule Properties Tab ➡️ Website: select cagPromoGroup
- Priority: 150
- Description: Brief promotion description for the customer. Click on the GLOBE ICON to provide the Mandarin translation (ZH)
- Link Name: indicate Shop Now. Click on the GLOBE ICON to provide the Mandarin translation (ZH)
- Please indicate the Start Date/ Time and End Date/ Time if required.
- In the Conditions & Actions Tab ➡️ Drag Shop Total from Available Conditions and drop it in the center.
- Repeat Step 1. This will allow us to state the spend criteria to enjoy the GWP.
- Select >=, state the lower limit under Price Threshold and include your Shop name. E.g., >= $100
- Select <, state the upper limit under Price Threshold and include your Shop name. E.g., <200
- *For WeChat Mini Program Applicable merchant only*
If the promotion is for the iSC website only or the WeChat platform only, please add the Qualifying By Channel.
If the promotion is for both the iSC website and the WeChat platform, please ignore this step.
Under Qualifying By Channel condition, click into Channel Type ➡️ select the channel meant for the promotion. - Scroll down to the Actions section ➡️ Drag Fixed discount on products or Percentage discount on products from the Available Actions section and drop into the center
- If Fixed discount on products was selected, please indicate the currency SGD and the discount value e.g., $10. If Percentage discount on products was selected, please indicate the discount value e.g. 10% and the maximum discount cap (if required) in dollar value e.g., $5.
In order to set the other tiered spending criteria, please repeat the steps above.
Based on the settings above, if the customer spends within $100 and under $200, they will get this $xx or x% free.