In the Home Page, you may click into Open Orders. Alternatively, in the sidebar menu, click on Orders ➡️ All Orders
Select an order e.g., NCXXXXXXXXXX or NSXXXXXXXXXX.
Identify the item(s) purchased and check if you have sufficient stocks to fulfill the order.
Confirm the No. of Delivery Boxes Required
Select the PickUp Date from Warehouse. This is the pickup date that Ninjavan will arrive at your Ops Warehouse to pick up the order. ⚠️ Ninjavan does not pick up on Sundays and Public Holidays
To process the order, click on Ready to Ship. A pop-up window will appear.
If unable to fulfil the order, under Quantity to Fulfil ➡️ select 0.
Under Reasons, select accordingly.
If able to fulfil the order, select Yes. Order status has changed to Ready to Ship.
Click on Print Documents ➡️ Print Order Receipt and PrintAirway Bill
If you need to make changes to the No. of Delivery Boxes Required or the PickUp Date from Warehouse, you may still do so when the order status is in Ready to Ship.
Click on the Edit button ➡️ make the changes accordingly ➡️ Confirm.
Once done, please click on Print Documents ➡️ Print Airway Bill again.