Seller University

TREX - Why is the product appearing as OOS when there are stocks available

Home » TREX - Products » TREX - Why is the product appearing as OOS when there are stocks available

  1. Products ➡️ My Products
  2. Click on the Product Name ➡️ Click on the pen icon to edit
  3. Under the Unique Attributes, scroll down to the Out of Stock Quantity field. Check if the Out of Stock Quantity = Stock Quantity. If so, please remove this value so that the Out of Stock Quantity is 0 instead.
  4. Once done, scroll to the end and click on Save & Proceed to Category Attributes ➡️ Submit.

If the above does not work, please contact the Seller Centre Team via the Merchant Service Desk (Under Other Enquiries) for assistance. 💡 This issue could be due to customers placing products in their shopping bags but not checking out their products. Our Tech Team will need to run a Cronjob so as to remove the product from the shopping bag. Once done, the product will no longer appear as OOS.