Seller University

TREX - Why is my product not appearing on storefront

Home » TREX - Products » TREX - Why is my product not appearing on storefront

  1. Products ➡️ My Products
  2. If the Product Status is Changes Required, click on View Remarks to see the rejection reason. Otherwise, proceed to #3.Click on the Product Name ➡️ Click on the pen icon to edit. You will also see the Remarks while editing the product. Once done, the status will change to Pending Approval.
  3. If the Product Status is Approved, please check the Is Free Gift? field (found under Generic Attributes tab). This field should be empty/ blank or set to No. Please make the necessary changes. Otherwise, proceed to #4.
  4. If the Product Status is Approved, please check the Availability End Date field (found under the Price & Stock tab). This field should be empty/ blank or set to No. Please make the necessary changes.
  5. If you have checked the fields above and yet the product is still not appearing on storefront, please contact us via the Merchant Service Desk.